- Download the new Pavelka app and unlock it using the key CiscoHouse
- Click on the "Programmes" icon on the app homepage
- Join the programme Webex space (using VPN)
- From 21st February, you would be able to register for this Programme. Programme officially commences 7th March.

This programme explores scientific findings behind mindfulness, to allow you to build a better relationship with yourself. Assess, understand and empower the person who controls your life - you! Based on The Four Elements: Eat, Sweat, Think and Connect, the programme takes a holistic look at mindfulness, allowing you to find the balance that works for your unique needs, lifestyle and concept of being mindful.
4-week period from 6 June to 1 July 2022. Registration starts on 23 May and closes on 5 June, 11:59pm BST.
The programme is open to Cisco employees (Blue and Red Badge) across APJC, EMEAR, US, Canada and LatAm. This programme is especially for those who want to learn more about how mindfulness can help them in daily life, as well as to understand themselves and improve their well-being.
The on-demand resources will require you to set aside around 60 minutes a week, but each section is broken down into short lessons to make it accessible, easy to learn and so that you can work at your own pace.
Access to the internet on any modern device; (i.e. tablet, laptop, or phone) and time, are all you really need. All our materials are fully virtual and interactive, even our workbook can be completed on your tablet device. Of course, you could have a hard copy in front of you if you like to write down notes. Many of these activities do not require anything other than your attention and commitment.
There are no limits to the number of people who can join the facilitated programme. Anybody can participate as long as they have a Cisco Blue or Red badge, and a Cisco ID.
You will receive a welcome email with an introduction to The Four Elements - Eat, Sweat, Think, Connect. During the duration of the programme, you will also receive links to access the content, and be assigned to a buddy if you have indicated your interest.
WebEx Teams Space:
You will be added into a WebEx Teams Space, together with the other participants of this programme. This will be a programme wide community enabling you to interact with other participants across the regions. You should feel free to post in whichever language you feel most comfortable in.
Weekly Emails:
You will receive weekly emails with short reminders relevant to the topic.
On Demand Resources:
Weekly resources will be available on our programme site, for you to practice in your own time throughout the week.
Live Sessions:
You will receive calendar invites for a Group Check-in with our Pavelka Expert.
Meet Your Buddy:
You will have the opportunity to be assigned to a buddy for the programme, and you are highly encouraged to connect and chat with one another. You can indicate your interest for a buddy on the Registration Form.
This programme is a multilingual experience.
This programme is delivered in English with key on-demand content, the workbook and recorded audio meditations for practice also available to participants in Chinese, Korean, Japanese, French, Spanish and Portuguese.
The Pavelka team will assign a buddy to you if you have indicated your interest in the Registration Form. You will receive an email with buddy instructions, as well as the contact email of your buddy.
It does not matter who reaches out first. To enhance learning, do reach out as soon as possible!
Please do give 1-2 days for your buddy to respond (we are all busy people!). Alternatively, you may attempt to contact them individually on WebEx. If you have not received a response from your buddy after several days, you may choose to proceed without a buddy or contact support@pavelka.co.uk for assistance, where we will try and pair you up with someone else.
We highly encourage that you stay with your assigned buddy and be pro-active in communication. Should there be any challenges that arise, do attempt to resolve between both of you, or reach out to your fellow colleagues in your respective regions to check if anyone else would like to pair up with you.
See this as a mindfulness practice in itself! Being able to listen and communicate interpersonally is an important skill in mindfulness.
Be of service and connect on a human-to-human level. Practise listening and communicating with empathy. Be present for them and their experience!
Of course, you do!
Become a member now and get started, download the app via the iOS App Store or Google Play and unlock the app using the key: CiscoHouse.

Before you can enter the app it must be unlocked using the key CiscoHouse. Once you have unlocked the app, use your Cisco email address to create your account.
No. The Pavelka app is a brand new, native application that has no links to the prior Pavelka House for Cisco site and memberships cannot be migrated over.
However it is very easy to set up an account on the app, and takes no longer than a few minutes.
Yes, and we actively encourage it. You will still be able to access our launch content and features. We recommend that you explore the app as you further refine your healthy lifestyle.
Please contact our tech team via the email address support@pavelka.co.uk for further advice and support.
You do not.
The new app is the challenge platform and you will not be able to find it on the previous Pavelka House for Cisco browser page or app.
Not at the moment. You must enter a valid cisco.com email address to sign into the app.